Friday, November 28, 2008

She Sells Seashells... (triptych), 2005

Finalist 2005 Cromwells Art Prize, Australia

Mixed media on 3 canvas panels

910 x 380, 1010 x 510, 910 x 380

Featured work for Artist of The Month , Hazelhurst Gallery, Sydney, 2007

"She Sells Seashells… is inspired by Sharyne's local environment.

Sharyne and her 2 young daughters collected various flotsam and jetsam during walks along Sydney's Kurnell Beach which she stitched across 3 impressive canvases. Her most recent works are an endeavour to find harmony between nature and man’s impact upon it and a search to find beauty within the often harsh realities of life."

Cromwells Cromwells Auction House


Domestic Allegory, 2006
Mixed media on 2 Canvas panels
700 x 350mm, 700 x 350mm
Found objects from my local beach, acrylic, enamel & stitching on two canvases...

Bambi Blue

Bambi Blue

Bambi Fawn

Bambi Fawn

Bambi Mauve

Bambi Mauve

Purple Disco Ball illustration

Purple Disco Ball illustration

Do What You Love

Do What You Love
featuring Miss Lulu